$10.00 per signature
Discounts available for multiple signatures with advance request & for frequent customers

Mobile Fees:
$30.00 within Bend City Limits
$40.00 additional fee for after hours signing. (8:30pm-8:30am)
$40.00 to meet at the hospital
$60.00 to meet in a jail

* Outside of Bend, the mobile fee varies depending on notarizations needed. A quote can be given when an appointment is set.

Additional Fees:
If I show up and someone refuses to sign, the mobile fee will still need to be paid.  
A late fee of $20 will be charged for every 15 minutes someone is late to an appt.

Signing Agent:
Fee is negotiated depending on type of loan, location and any extra services.  Please call or text 541-241-3959 to schedule an appt.